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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
5:58 PM

having tuition on saturdays.. and sundays kept aside for family outings. nth interesting happened within this 2 days so lets skip it.. attended a talk by Mr.Low after recess yesterday.. those r "repeated talks"-_-" . he had already shared with the whole skol during assembly and now he start it all over again. same slides and boring speech tone. i wanted to doze off. but for the sake of showing him respect.. i got to bear with him for another hour. ok.. 2 periods gone for good.. hope there r no more lecturings arranged for us after june holiday..

YES! june holiday's coming. and all rumours would be stopped at the moment.. u sickening ignoramus morons.. stop saying dat i lyk a guy or the guy lyk me or wadever shit dat u've created. for goodness sake! if u morons lyk him, go ahead.. fall in love with him.. do wad ever u wan. just dun drag me in.. u sickening felos. i think u pathetic fools reali need me to buy a bottle of 'LISTERINE' to cleanse ur mouth and start the nxt term afresh.anti-rumours and no vulgarities.. muahaha. pardon me if i sounded too harsh. sec3 camp's tml. and both 3NA classes have not done the camp project lmao. i dunoe bout the express classes. but i guess the whole sec3s dun give a damn bout this project. got back report book today.. my results suck. if this were to be my Os result.. haha the end. reali need to buck up after june holiday.

Friday, May 19, 2006
9:10 PM

2.4 is hell. skol is hell. home is another hell..hellhellhellhell! even teachers called us children from hell. this is driving me nuts
sec3 camp's around the corner. and my group've not done the project.ArrrHHHHHhh!! PPL!we got to present it during the first day of camp!

screwed. i dunoe wad my friends r doing. they juz cant stop giving out "ghostly" sounds dat made u feel lyk u r in a haunted house all alone.and sending shivers down ur spine.. from the early morning till our skol dismissal.makes me wana take sick form and go back home -.-" they've been doing it since the day before yesterday and i have no idea wad they r up to. i noe it's sth about me.. it's so obvious. they looked at me and kept :ehhhhh~ then:wOOOOOoo.. i pity those simpletons ..during the first lesson after recess.. they kept scribbling sth on 2 pieces of paper laughing away lyk insane. ok i dun mean it.. but wads so funny?

Thursday, May 18, 2006
9:29 PM

got beaten again! MANn!! im such a failure..arh!!

btw.. i came in last in 2.4 LOL
i went round telling the girls bout it.. lyk some kind of a achievement?
lmao. i was walking all the way after i passed the bridge.. and mr Mark is telling me dat i gona fail if i continue walking at such pace. so i made myself chiong all the way for nth. still got so much time left.. -.-"
ok i passed =D
homework homework homework..!
I can still remember i got stabbed by the damn pen while doing my homework.i must be the clumsiest person alive..anyone clumsier than me would have died long ago.wad is it with me and homework? I swear that homework will nvr go along with me..i obtained a wound juz by doing homework.so in the end..no work done.aneways i shldnt have completed it at dat time in the first place.. IM NVR EVER GOING TO TOUCH DAT CURSE THING EVER AGAIN. wad happens to the pen? hahh. was being punished in the hell of my beloved rubbish bin. YES!!

7:36 PM

ya.. the joy of waking up in the early morinings! who the hell invented alarm clocks btw? I have an intense urgue to strangle dat person.the sound of the alarm clock ringing woke me up completely.but i proceeded to sleep the hell out anyway.and i was running an internal battle with my subconsciousness and my sleep deprieved mind.. i chose the easier way out. oh well.. so i wanted to skip the june camp.darnN! those training camps ARE horrible.
nvr go = u can forget bout promotion. HELL! dat teacher in charge is juz as biased as some other peeps. and of course.. ( let's not say anymore -.-" )

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
9:48 PM

5item test.. IT'S a DISAPOINTMENT. - totally..
a bad start and a bad end.. or shall i say: from bad to worst. i dun wish to talk bout the first 4 items but as for the last item ..

standing board jump. i cant imagine dat i've juz embarrased myself in front of my classmates.. WORST still .. in front of my SJ seniors. The 2 of them.. hey! 2 is embarrassed enough. .and wads even even worst than dat.. their classmates were also there.DAMN i noe every single one of them.EVERYSINGLE ONE.. oh gosh X_X i guess almost all of them noes me .. oh well. how i wish i could find a hole, stay in there and nvr come out. -_-" ARGH! i cant believe it.
im not going to say how i embarrassed myself as dat will embarrass me more =x

*2.4km run gona be hell

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