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Thursday, September 28, 2006
7:15 PM

september23, saturday
went to Pasir Ris coasta sand resort to celebrate li yen's birthday. thinking dat eunice knows the direction to pasir ris, i dint bother to ask my parents how to get there. so.. met up with eunice and strolled around J8 till 2 plus. was suppose to meet hui fang at 2pm @ pasir ris bus interchange but... lol. we heck.. Hf called up and i told her dat we are still in bishan.. she's lyk. "WALAO?" lol.. sry hfang. but thank goodness she's still in expo. so, me and eunice decided to take our time to get to pasir ris..
stepped into bishan MRT station and eunice told me dat she didnt noe how to get to pasir ris. wad the hell? nvm. so we went down the elevator and both trains arrived at the same time. we took a quick glance at the MRT map. and saw pair ris is at the end of the south east line(purple). i know dat sth's not right.. so i stared into the map again.. and i swear dat the map was printed out showing ppl dat pasir ris is on the purple line. zzz.. so, blablabla.. we sat MRT from bishan to dhouby ghaut then rush to take the purple line south east train. it was then i suddenly remembered dat the last stops for the purple lines are harbourfront and punggol. wtc.. i dint tell eunice a single thing bout the wrong MRT route just in case i got jecked. reached d.b's south east line.. we took a look at the MRT routes. and hell.. i was right. so, pasir ris is under the green line and not the purple line.. wad jokers. so, from there, we sat MRT from D.B to outram(wadever way it's spelled). and from outram to pasir ris.. stupid -.- .. we could actually just sit MRT from bishan to city hall and from there, direct to pasir ris.. wad the hell. gone one big round for nth. but we learnt a very valuable lesson on dat day..
'nvr to rely on ur friends.'
so, we are lyk super late when we reached pasir ris.. met up with hui fang and sit bus354 or 3sthsth to C.S resort.

eunice. macho woman. lol
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hui fang and her yellow 'boots'.
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the resort.
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left the resort around 10.30.. and found out dat my dad's car batt. was flat.. so, there's no way he could start the engine and he got to call up some 'auto swift' company to help him after many tries of getting the batt power from the other car.. so, too bad for my friends. they were unable to get a free ride home unless their parents don't mind them getting home late.

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Thursday, September 07, 2006
11:59 AM

Steve Irwin
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Steve died tragically after being stung by a stingray last Monday while filming a documentary show..
he lived respected, died regretted. May God bless him and his family

9:24 AM

teachers day.
thanks to the rain. Therefore, no ACES day workout. So the first one and a half hour became interact time with form teacher. Well, managed to capture 3 out of 8 teachers in school uniform before the interation time.

Mrs Tang ..
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Mrs Lim Wan Nah
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and Miss Lim Shu Yen.(photo grabbed from her friendster)
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( I noe the pict's a little out. But.. wadever.lol )
During dat short period of time.. Mrs Tay went to book the R(A) to watch some movie. Was supposed to watch a movie about a group of ppl trying to form up a band or something. But due to some errors of the Power DVD, we ended up watching 'I Not Stupid2' using Ms Amy's notebook. When the movie's half way through.. an announcement was made saying dat we are to move to the hall for the Teachers' day concert. All of us started moaning. And we were very reluctant to shift our butt. AIR-connnnnn... There's goes the air-con. We are going to the hall of flame. Where we are being squeezed by a thousand of people.. Mrs Tay then suggest dat at least half of us are to make our way to the hall. While those who wants to continue with the movie are allowed to stay back. After a while, some guys made their decision and moved to the hall. And the R(A) was left with 7 girls and 10+ boys. When the movie's about to come to an exciting part, the computer went into hibernate mode. wtFook? So we were left with no choice but to move to the hall to watch the concert as we could not unlock the computer to enter Ms Amy's account. Reached the hall.. and WTH?!.. no space. ZZZz... Guess, we reali deserve it for coming in late. -.- The overall concert was hilarious.. not as bad i thought it did turn out to be.
Shall end h
ere, and wish all teachers a very belated 'SELAMAT HARI GURU'.

Introductions. Sweet, short, simple. Forget about the thesis statements here. It's freedom of EXPRESSION!



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